Procedures | Diagnostics
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Because we are independent, we have chosen to work with the best doctors we know and only list high quality hospitals and clinics.

We also guarantee our prices, with no nasty surprises or escalating costs.

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Frequently asked questions

Procedures | Diagnostics
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What is a private colonoscopy?

A private colonoscopy is the most frequently performed test to investigate the large bowel otherwise known as the large intestine or colon. This is an endoscopic test that allows the doctor to look directly at the lining of the bowel using a flexible ‘telescope’. A colonoscopy can be used to diagnose diverticular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, polyps and cancers, as well as a number of less common bowel conditions. The procedure is used to help doctors diagnose unexplained changes in bowel habits (for example constipation or diarrhoea), abdominal pain, bleeding and weight loss. Biopsies can also be taken during the procedure and polyps can be removed.

>What are the advantages of a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy offers several advantages for thorough examination and diagnosis. It provides a direct and comprehensive view of the entire bowels, allowing for effective assessment. The procedure with our colonoscopy surgeons allows for biopsies to be taken where needed, aiding in accurate diagnosis. Additionally, colonoscopy permits the removal of polyps, making it a therapeutic intervention when necessary. Results are promptly available, facilitating timely medical decisions. For those interested, patients can even observe the entire procedure. This makes colonoscopy a valuable and versatile diagnostic and therapeutic tool in gastrointestinal healthcare. Contact our team to learn more about the advantages of a private colonoscopy and for information about our private colonoscopy UK price.

What are the potential risks?

While a private colonoscopy is generally safe, it carries potential risks. One of the most serious is perforation, involving accidental tearing of the colon wall, which, though rare, can lead to infection and may require surgical repair. Bleeding, especially after polyp removal, is a potential complication, with minor bleeding often resolving on its own. Adverse reactions to anaesthesia, though uncommon, pose a risk, including difficulty breathing or a drop in blood pressure. Infection risk is low but possible if bacteria enter the bloodstream. In some instances, technical difficulties or anatomy may result in an incomplete examination of the colon. Additionally, there is a small risk of allergic reactions to medications or materials used, and rare cases may involve temporary respiratory complications from sedation. Understanding these potential risks is crucial for individuals undergoing a colonoscopy, emphasising the importance of informed decision-making and careful post-procedure monitoring.

How do I prepare for a private colonoscopy?

You will receive written instructions about the test beforehand. You will be given some strong laxatives to clear out the bowel. This is usually Moviprep or less frequently Picolax is used. You must follow the instructions carefully and you should drink as much clear fluid as possible.

>What happens after a private colonoscopy?

A private colonoscopy with our colonoscopy surgeons takes about 30 minutes to complete. You may feel bloated and have some wind-like pains afterwards. These usually settle very quickly. The consultant will be able to tell you the result straight after the procedure. The pathologist will process any tissue samples taken and the results will be available within a few days. If you have not had sedation or used Entonox (gas and air) instead of sedation, you should be able to leave soon afterwards and you can drive yourself home. If you have had sedation or an anaesthetic for the procedure you will need to recover fully before going home. You may be affected for up to 24 hours. A responsible adult must be present when you return home.

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Our procedures

At Get Well Soon we specialise in elective procedures. Elective surgery is different from urgent or emergency surgery, where the patient’s life might be in danger.
However, we understand that for many patients, these conditions
can often be debilitating and painful.

Elective procedures are often the sort of operations that the NHS are unable to prioritise, so seeing a doctor privately may be the only way you can have your
condition treated quickly.

Call for a FREE no obligation chat to find out how we can help you: 0800 994 9494

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