General Surgery procedures

Banding of Haemorrhoids

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What are haemorrhoids?

Haemorrhoids, also known as “piles,” are swollen blood vessels that form in your anus and rectum. They are sometimes described as the varicose veins of the anus and rectum and are very common. Nearly half of us will experience haemorrhoids at some point in our lives. Many of us can manage symptoms by paying attention to our diet or using topical treatments when symptoms are minor. For small internal haemorrhoids, banding can be an effective treatment.

What does banding of haemorrhoids involve?

The procedure is usually carried out in the outpatient department, and no preparation is necessary. Occasionally, you may request sedation or a short anaesthetic, particularly if you have found examination of the back passage uncomfortable in the past.

During the procedure, a proctoscopy is performed to identify the haemorrhoids, and the surgeon uses an applicator to place a band around the haemorrhoid. Usually, three bands are placed. The procedure takes around 10–15 minutes to complete.

What are the potential risks and complications?

There are small risks associated with any procedure, but complications are rare.

  • Bleeding: This is the main risk. You may notice a little blood when the bands cut through the haemorrhoid, typically 5–10 days after the procedure. Usually, this is a small amount, but if you experience significant bleeding, you must seek medical advice.
  • Discomfort: Most people feel a little uncomfortable after banding.
  • Infection: Very rarely, you may develop an infection at the banding site.

What to expect after the procedure

Banding does not usually cause much pain afterwards. You may feel a dull ache, similar to the sensation of being kicked. Simple paracetamol should be adequate for most people.

You might feel as if you need to open your bowels after the procedure. This is a normal sensation caused by swelling from the bands. It is important to resist the temptation to strain and go to the toilet normally when needed. Stool softeners can also be helpful.

You should avoid any vigorous physical activities for 48 hours.

You will usually be reviewed in the clinic 4–6 weeks after the procedure, where a further examination may take place.

Most people find that their symptoms improve. If necessary, banding of haemorrhoids can be repeated, or if your symptoms do not improve at all, another treatment may be recommended.


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